Growlife Medical Centres

Iron Infusion

Iron Infusion Clinic

Thorough Assessment and Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Iron Deficiency Anaemia | Iron Infusion | Brisbane | Growlife Medical

Iron is a mineral that is essential to human health; it is particularly important in allowing transport of oxygen in blood. Both having too much or too little iron in your body can result in illness, and therefore it is important to seek professional assessment and treatment if you have symptoms of iron deficiency.

​It is important not to treat iron deficiency without identifying an underlying cause. If you are referred by your GP or specialist, they will retain responsibility for ongoing investigation of your iron deficiency. Where you are treated by a Growlife Medical doctor, we will ensure your iron deficiency has been appropriately investigated, so that the underlying cause can be treated. Some common causes of iron deficiency are:

  • Inadequate intake - common in vegetarian diets.
  • Blood loss - this is an important cause to exclude, as it can be due to serious illness such as bowel cancer, stomach ulcers or other hidden bleeding, as well as more obvious causes like heavy menstrual periods or blood donation. If you have heavy menstrual bleeding, our Women's Health Clinic has GPs with advanced training in gynaecology, and can help treat the underlying cause.
  • High iron requirement - this is particularly common in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Problems with absorption - for example coeliac disease is commonly associated with iron deficiency when first diagnosed.

​Where you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia, and oral treatment is not sufficient or not practical, our experienced doctors can administer intravenous iron infusions. We accept referrals from your GP or specialist, or you can book with us online at our South Brisbane Medical Centres in Highgate Hill, Sherwood, Oxley & Sinnamon Park on Brisbane's south side.

​Please note: Iron infusions are contraindicated (ie not recommended) for children under 16 years of age.

​Phone us on 07 3154 2393 to book your iron infusion or book online now for your initial consultation.

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How Iron Infusions Work

List of Services

Iron Infusion FAQs

  • What does an Iron Infusion Cost?

    Initial Consultation Fee for an in clinic appointment  is $183.00 with a Medicare rebate of $80.10 for eligible patients.

    Iron Infusion Fee $274.50 with Medicare rebate of $80.10 for eligible patients (includes consumables and equipment used).

    Total cost = $457.50 Total out of pocket = $297.30

  • Which Doctors Provide Iron Infusions?


    Dr Manuel Avivar-Fernandez


    Dr Emma Scriven, Dr Aaron Chambers


    Dr Nargis Reza,

    Highgate Hill

    Dr Aaron Chambers, Dr Emma Fist, Dr Mohana Priya Govardhanan, Dr Jane Herbert, Dr Lok Tung Lee

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