We genuinely appreciate feedback where our care for you has fallen short of your expectations. When things go wrong, we take this as a chance to reflect on how we provide medical care, and to improve any aspect that led to a complaint. So thank you for taking the time to look at our complains process. If you're here to lodge a complaint, feel free to phone and speak to the practice manager at the location you visited in the first instance, or use the form below to contact us.
We pride ourselves on making opportunities are available to patients and other visitors to tell us, “How we are doing”. We collect systematic patient experience feedback regularly via surveys and in person. If you would like to make a comment of a more general nature, or a suggestion of what we could do better, please contact us.
You have a ‘right to complain’ and we encourage you to raise any concerns directly with the practice team, who are all trained to make sure your feedback or complaint will be handled appropriately. We believe most complaints can be responded to and resolved at the time you or others such as carers, relatives, friends, or other consumers make them known to our team.
Under national and state privacy laws, our practice provides and adheres to a complaints process for privacy issues and those related to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). At Growlife Medical, the Practice Managers handle all complaints, and the Medical Director and the relevant GP will be informed. We will investigate your complaint, and resolution of complaints is undertaken using an open disclosure process, incorporating the following:
• We acknowledge the patient’s right to complain.
• We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as possible, but within two (2) working days
• We respond to all complaints as soon as reasonably practicable, but within thirty (30) days in an open and constructive manner
• If a resolution of the matter is to take longer than thirty (30) days, an update of the resolution activities will be provided to you, with an anticipated revised timeframe for resolution.
• We work with you to resolve the complaint. We and appreciate, and act upon, your suggestions of any required changes as a result of the complaint.
• Where a complaint is made against a practice team member, we provide the team member with an opportunity to discuss the details.
• We ensure the complaint does not adversely affect your care.
• We record your complaint, investigation and actions and, if related to your care, we include a copy in your health record.
• We ensure, where appropriate, complaints are reviewed at practice team meetings; analyse trends and discuss the methods of resolution.
• We also review other types of feedback (i.e. feedback surveys, suggestion box) during practice team meetings.
• We keep a record of improvement(s) made in response to feedback or complaints.
• Where appropriate, we will provide feedback to you about practice improvements made as a result of your input.
If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved with the above process, you can contact the external health complaints agency for our state.
Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman
Telephone: 133 646
Web: www.oho.qld.gov.au
Complaints that relate to privacy issues or concerns, where we are unable to resolve them with you, should be directed to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Telephone: 1300 363 992
Postal Address: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Web: www.oaic.gov.au
Members of the public may make a notification to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) about the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner or the health of a student. Practitioners, employers and education providers are all mandated by law to report notifiable conduct relating to a registered practitioner or student to AHPRA.
12. Contact details for privacy related issues
C/O - Practice Manager
Clinicians: please forward clinical correspondence via Medical Objects Secure Messaging. Fax no longer accepted.