Growlife Medical's Fairfield clinic specialises in sexual health, information, prevention, and treatment. Below you can read more about the range of services available at the Fairfield GP clinic.
PrEP is a method for HIV prevention, in which people who do not have HIV take a daily pill to reduce their risk of contracting HIV.
As PrEP is taken daily before exposure to the virus, the treatment works by interfering with HIV’s ability to establish itself permanently in the body.
The effectiveness of PrEP has been established by clinical trials conducted in heterosexual adults and gay men.
To book an appointment, please call reception on 07 3844 1100 and specifically ask to schedule a screening appointment with Dr Fernandez. This is the initial 30-minute screening. Please note that there is a consultation fee for this service.
PEP is indicated for people who might have been at risk of contact with HIV.
The window period is 72 hours post-exposure, if you think you might have been in contact or at risk of contact, please discuss with
Dr. Fernandez.
Dr. Manuel Avivar-Fernandez is a S-100 prescriber for both HIV-positive people and rapid test (point of care testing). He is an exclusive S-100 Prescriber for people living with HIV.
Note that a doctor must be authorised to prescribe S-100 medication, as is Dr Fernandez.
HIV rapid testing is available. This is a screening test for HIV that provides results within 20 minutes, by testing a small blood sample taken from the fingertip.
If an HIV rapid test is “reactive”, you will always be given a laboratory blood test to confirm the results, as rapid tests produce a small number of false positive results.
Clinicians: please forward clinical correspondence via Medical Objects Secure Messaging. Fax no longer accepted.