Growlife Medical I Highgate Hill & Sinnamon Park
SongLife Connections is a group music therapy program for babies, toddlers, young children and their families.
SongLife Connections promotes sustainable community connections using group music therapy. The program also supports awareness and development of your child’s sensory needs including sensory integration and self-regulation.
Amy Cooper is a Registered Music Therapist and the Clinical Program Manager of the groups at Highgate Hill and Sinnamon Park. You can book with Amy for one to one music therapy.
Dr Jeanette Kennelly is a Registered Music Therapist and the Founder and Research/Evaluation Manager of the program.
SongLife Connections is a music therapy program which focuses on the achievement of therapeutic goals to improve health, functioning and wellbeing. It is not a music early learning program and does not focus on supporting music education or music entertainment goals.
Using live music-making, SongLife Connections programs include:
Once the term has commenced bookings via the
online shop will close. Please phone the clinic to book.
Clinicians: please forward clinical correspondence via Medical Objects Secure Messaging. Fax no longer accepted.