Growlife Medical Centres

Music Therapists

Music Therapists | Growlife Medical

Jeanette Kennelly Paediatric Music Therapist SongLife Connections Song and Sensory

Dr Jeanette Kennelly

Paediatric Music Therapist

Dr Jeanette Kennelly is a music therapist, academic, and professional supervisor who has worked and published across a range of paediatric clinical areas. She has a strong belief in the transformative medium of music as a way of creating meaningful connections between parent and child. She is the Founder and Research/Evaluation Manager of the SongLife Connections program.

Amy Cooper | Music Therapist | Grow Medical

Amy Cooper

Music Therapist - Master of Music Therapy

Amy Cooper  is a registered music therapist with experience in special education, dementia care, early childhood contexts and in the community. She loves to use music to help her patients improve their health, functioning and well being. Amy’s particular areas of interest are in sensory processing, social and emotional expression, mental health, and communication. Amy is the Clinical Program Manager of the Songlife Connections program and runs the sessions at Highgate Hill and Sinnamon Park. She also sees individual patients at Sherwood

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