Growlife Medical Centres

New Patient Forms

New Patient Forms

As we believe life long continuity with your doctor is essential for your health, it is also important that we have all your relevant health information. Your new patient forms can be completed online when you book an appointment, or in practice prior to your first appointment - please complete as thoroughly as possible. Ideally, requesting your previous medical records prior to your first appointment will smooth your first visit. Please download and complete the form below and submit them to our reception at the practice you will be visiting for processing, prior to your first appointment.

What can I expect on my first visit?

Grow Medical understands how important continuity between patient and doctor is, and how important a comprehensive understanding of your health is to the team that cares for you. Consequently, every new patient is offered an initial long consultation for the purpose of collating your records and undertaking a complete history of your conditions, along with an initial check up with our practice nurse. Please ensure you allow plenty of time for your first consultation to enable a comprehensive service.

Medical Records Transfer Request

Please return completed forms to Growlife Medical reception - this form needs to be sent by Growlife Medical to your previous GP practice.

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