Growlife Medical Centres

Music Therapy Terms and Conditions

Music Therapy

Terms and Conditions for SongLife Connections Groups


  • Families who are already attending (current families) are given first preference to rebook for the following term before places are opened up to those on wait lists and new families.
  • Current families will have two weeks in which to rebook for the following term. These two weeks are the last week of the current term and the following week.*
  • Current families are asked to re book directly with reception and pay by credit card in person or over the telephone.
  • Please note that only full payment of the term fee confirms your place in a group and bookings are on a first come basis.
  • Online bookings will open the second week after the end of a term, depending on availability. Online bookings are open to anyone.
  • Your music therapist will remind the groups of the impending end of term. Term dates can also be found on the Grow Medical website.
  • Sessions are conducted in 8 week blocks during the school year and may vary dependent on therapist availability.


*If the current term is the last one for the year, then the two weeks will commence once the term has finished. This gives the therapist time to plan the groups for the new year (see further information below)

End of year

  • When the current term is the last term of a calendar year, the music therapist may request your ‘expression of interest’ (EOI) for the new year. You will be asked to give reception the following details, before the end  of the term:
    The number and ages of children attending from your family.
  • Preferred day


  • Note that an EOI does not:
    Constitute a booking.
  • Hold a place for you, nor are you beholden to that EOI.
  • Guarantee you will get a group on your preferred day.


  • This information is solely used to help the music therapist determine the number of age groups required for the new year. Many children will move up to the next age group in this period.
  • This information needs to be gathered earlier in the current term so that the therapist can plan the age groupings and have them ready for families to book into before the end of the term.
  • Your music therapist will guide each family with decisions regarding moving into the next age groups or not.



  • Fees are offered on the following basis:
    Term Single Child fee, term Family fee (two children)
  • casual session


  • Family fee - If you have twins or two children aged 12 months plus attending then a discounted family fee applies.
  • If you are attending a session for your older child and bringing an infant 12 months old or younger there is no charge for the infant.
  • No refunds or makeups available and bookings are non-transferable.



  • Please advise reception upon arrival at the clinic for each session
  • Refrain from feeding your child solid foods during sessions.
  • Please note a minimum of bookings are required for the session to go ahead. If we cancel the term due to lack of numbers, you will be offered a refund or swap to another day/time.
  • If we cancel a session due to illness of the therapist, where possible, you will be offered a swap to another day/time or a make-up session will be scheduled. We reserve the right to issue a refund or not.
  • If you are ill or unable to attend a session, we appreciate being given notice as soon as you are able. This allows us to offer a casual place to someone if the class is full.
  • If you have extenuating circumstances resulting in inability to attend your session(s) please feel free to discuss with Dr Jeanette Kennelly, Music Therapist, or Irina, Practice Manager.
  • If you have two children, you are best to book into the session for the older child. This will ensure their needs are met and they receive the support they require.
  • Please do not bring extended family members along without prior consent from the music therapist. This not only changes the dynamics of the group but may also make the session too full.
  • Another family member or parent is welcome to bring your child if you are unable to attend.
  • However, we ask that you be mindful that SongLife Connections is a music therapy program and as such, frequent changes in the make-up of the groups can impact factors such as flow of activities, level of engagement and children’s ability to socially integrate.
  • We ask that you refrain from feeding your child solid food during sessions. This is to protect instruments, keep the area clean for the next session, avoid issues between children with and without food, etc.


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