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Fever In Children When To Worry

Dr Aaron Chambers
We know how terrifying it can be as a parent, to discover that your child has a high fever. We often don't know though what is a high fever and if it is worth seeing your doctor about. This article will seek to help worried parents to understand fever in children and when to worry.

Here, Dr Aaron Chambers from Growlife Medical explores the topic of fever in children. Topics discussed include when is fever too high for a child, when to see a doctor, when to go to hospital, how to monitor a child with fever, and fever prevention.
Fever in children when to worry | Grow Medical

When Is Fever Too High For A Child?

When it comes to young children, you will have to monitor their corresponding symptoms closely and also trust your gut instinct. You know your child better than anyone. When is a fever too high for a child? If your child develops one of the following fever symptoms, you should take them to the doctor promptly: 
  • If they appear to be getting worse (weaker, paler, more fatigued etc)
  • Floppy or disinterested in the world
  • Pale, Blue or cold to touch
  • Breathing problems
  • Dehydration 
  • Drowsiness and difficulty waking up
  • Neck stiffness
  • No improvement over 48 hours 
  • Decreased skin elasticity
  • Rash
The importance of your gut instinct cannot be overstated. You will notice that none of the important signs above include the recorded temperature. This is because the level of fever is less important than how your child looks.  If your child is acting out of character, and looking very unwell to you, then you should take your child to the doctor. It is worth reading the excellent Queensland Health guide for parents on recognising serious infection in your child called Could This Be Sepsis?

When to see a Doctor?

A fever by itself is usually harmless and will only result in your child being uncomfortable. You should certainly monitor your child closely if they are feverish. The question still remains though, when to see a doctor? Unfortunately, the answer is not always clear and will depend upon several factors, such as the age of your child, and the symptoms they have associated with their fever.

It can be difficult for parents to determine if a baby has a serious illness. If your child is under the age of three months old, they should be taken to the doctor immediately as a precaution. We will always try and find an appointment for a baby under 3 months with fever, so please phone us if you are unable to book online.

If your child is between three and 12 months, you should take them to a doctor as soon as possible. While it is less urgent than if your child is less than three months old, a fever could still be a sign of a serious illness. Book an appointment with a family friendly GP from Growlife Medical.

If you need medical advice call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for health information, advice or referral services. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

When to go to Hospital?

The best advice as a parent deciding when to go to hospital is that if you ever think that the situation is an emergency or that your child’s life could be in danger, call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance immediately.  Especially in the following situations:
  • severe breathing difficulties
  • unconsciousness
  • infants who are having convulsions
  • sudden onset of weakness, numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg.

How to monitor a child with Fever?

Monitoring a child with fever is more about making your child as comfortable as possible, rather than trying to suppress the fever. 

How to treat a fever? The first thing you should do is make sure your child is well hydrated as possible, this will help the kidneys to filter waste and ease potential nasal congestion. You could also give your child the recommended dose of liquid paracetamol or ibuprofen to lessen other symptoms they may be having. 

You should avoid trying to lower your child's temperature by bathing or fans, this can make your child more uncomfortable.

 Fever Prevention

Fevers and illness will be commonplace throughout your child's infancy, so it can very much help to understand what causes fever in children. In their early years, children will typically catch several viral infections such as the common cold. In fact it is normal for a young child in daycare to have up to 12 viral infections per year, each lasting two weeks. That is six months per year sick! However, when it comes to fever prevention and bacterial infections, some particularly serious infections can easily be avoided. If you vaccinate your child and keep up to date with their vaccinations, you will be able to rest far easier knowing that a fever is much less likely to be a serious bacterial infection.

Growlife Medical Fever Consultation

Dealing with fever and want to see a doctor? Book an appointment with a family friendly GP from Growlife Medical.

Book Online Now

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